Company Profile
Since the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) gave the green light for the first offshore wind farm in Germany, the VBW service spectrum has continuously shifted towards offshore engineering for the planning, installation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines and their export cables.
With a redundant portfolio of measurement technology (geophysical and geotechnical) as well as own measurement vessels, customer-specific complete or selective services are provided according to national and international standards. VBW is ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 certified.
The surveying office is based in Ziesendorf and has further branch in Hamburg.
We are proud to be able to count almost all well-known participants in the industry segment “Offshore Wind” among our long-term customers.

Company Profile
Since the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) gave the green light for the first offshore wind farm in Germany, the VBW service spectrum has continuously shifted towards offshore engineering for the planning, installation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines and their export cables.
With a redundant portfolio of measurement technology (geophysical and geotechnical) as well as own measurement vessels, customer-specific complete or selective services are provided according to national and international standards. VBW is ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 certified.
The surveying office is based in Ziesendorf and has further branch in Hamburg.
We are proud to be able to count almost all well-known participants in the industry segment “Offshore Wind” among our long-term customers.
The range of services includes the preparation and implementation of geophysical and geotechnical investigations in the North Sea and Baltic Sea and is rounded off by georeferenced and laboratory supported evaluations as well as expert reports according to the highest offshore standards.
- Creation of local basic networks
- Stakeout and transfer of nominal geometries
- Surveying work during construction
- Supervision and monitoring tasks
- Site investigation of offshore wind farm areas
- Geotechnical investigation of pipeline & cable routes
- Geotechnical exploration of marine sediment deposits
- Investigation of subsoil for hydraulic engineering
- Bathymetric investigations
- Determination of sediment types and structures
- Seismic investigations
- Detection magnet. Anomalies, cables and pipelines
- Ship measurement
- Positioning during construction (RTK)
- Installation Documentation
- Positioning of UW systems (USBL)
- New conception of GIS projects and databases
- Project-based off- and online GIS systems
- Digital map and plan creation
- Development of specially adapted user interfaces
- Definition and creation of construction protocols
- Onshore and offshore construction supervision
- Online and offline databases
- Documentation and expertise
Our range of services has already been used on more than 90% of the approved and licensed wind farm areas and associated cable routes in the German North and Baltic Seas.